Dubuque Ice Harbor
Our ability to not only plan and design for these dynamic systems, but to visualize the outcome and the further reinvestment tactics that these initiatives can drive, is a testament to our forward thinking.
City of Dubuque
Dubuque, Iowa
Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Waterfront
70-slip transient marina
Like many urban working waterfronts, the areas around the Port of Dubuque on the Mississippi River were in need of enhancement and renewed public access. Understanding the economic and social impact that a revitalized waterfront could offer, the City of Dubuque enacted a revitalization strategy, beginning with the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium that draws over 250,000 visitors to the shoreline annually. But it was still missing an important piece: a transient marina that would allow residents and visitors to come to the riverfront by boat.

Identifying the right site for this marina was critical, mainly due to the rivers’ currents and the ice that accumulates during winter. Knowing that a marina directly on the main channel would not survive due to those factors, the team identified an alternative and safer location for a transient facility with direct yet protected access to the river.

In cooperation with existing tenants of the Ice Harbor, our team designed a true destination marina for Dubuque, providing visitors with two illuminated access gangways, a large amenities deck where boaters can grill, listen to music and socialize, and a marina service buildings with showers and public bathrooms.
The project is helping to fuel other reinvestment and revitalization initiatives, advancing the city’s larger strategy for riverfront renewal and enhanced public access.