Coastal Engineering
SmithGroup knows that realizing the value of water starts by respecting its power. Our coastal engineering experts are dedicated to helping coastal clients and communities better engage and protect their freshwater and saltwater resources while mitigating potentially damaging impacts. SmithGroup’s coastal team combines deep technical expertise with a shared understanding of the client’s and community’s goals for their waterfronts and waterways. We analyze the complex challenges posed by waves, ice, sediment transport, erosion, flooding, and sea-level rise. Then we integrate that knowledge into resilient and transformative waterfront design.

Coastal design requires a balance between art and science. We use a broad range of numerical/computer and physical models to test ideas, assess offshore and nearshore processes, evaluate future coastal condition scenarios, and refine design alternatives. We blend this rigorous technical analysis with a visionary, community-oriented waterfront design approach that helps achieve broad support and endorsement. By helping our clients assess and manage their risks while they realize new opportunities, we create resilient design solutions that respond to their full waterfront context and environment. It’s an approach that has guided over five decades of enduring, innovative, and precedent-setting work.