Egg Harbor Marina Reconstruction
The Village of Egg Harbor was faced with the potential structural failure of its marina breakwater - and the potential loss of a vital community destination and economic asset. SmithGroup's ability to analyze and understand the coastal environment, provide environmentally sustainable, aesthetic solutions, and help secure funding were fundamental in reconstructing the Egg Harbor Marina, and creating a signature Door County facility.
Village of Egg Harbor
Egg Harbor, Wisconsin
Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Waterfront
65-slip marna
750 ft breakwater
Located in Door County, Wisconsin, one of the Midwest’s most popular tourist destinations, the Village of Egg Harbor is well known for its scenic recreational harbor on Lake Michigan’s Green Bay. Every year, the population swells from 250 to over 2,500 during high seasons, as people come from all over the country to experience the Village’s natural and cultural fascinations that include water recreation, concerts, public art, and retail shops.
In the spring of 2006, the Egg Harbor Marina harbormaster noticed water washing through the old timber crib breakwater during a severe storm event. The Village retained SmithGroup to conduct a structural inspection of the timber crib. The team discovered that the breakwater had deteriorated to the point that repairs were not economically feasible. SmithGroup further recommended that the Village close the breakwater to the public due to safety concerns – which essentially meant closing one of their biggest revenue generators and attractions for the entire tourism and boating season.

Given its critical role as a destination for the village, long-term closure of the facility was not an option. The Village and SmithGroup quickly began plans to develop a new and improved breakwater and marina facility that would not only replace the failing breakwater, but also increase revenue-generating transient slips within the marina, provide improved parking and boat launch facilities, and create stronger connections to adjacent Harborview Park.
To any municipal government considering a marina addition or new construction, the Village of Egg Harbor strongly recommends the selection of SmithGroup.
Nancy A.W. Fisher
Village President

To help fund the project, the Village worked with SmithGroup to identify funding strategies and apply for grants that could offset costs. The Village was able to maximize existing grant sources, covering improvements that included dockage, transient space, innovative stormwater components, launch ramp improvements, and increased public access. The Village was also able to pass a successful public funding referendum, supported by high quality renderings of the proposed design.
The completed marina has significantly enhanced Egg Harbor's waterfront, creating a signature destination for the Village's residents and its many annual visitors.