Jason Stangland

Jason serves as director of SmithGroup's Waterfront Market. A landscape architect with expertise in urban design, planning and waterfront development, he blends a strong design sense with the technical understanding to make a project succeed. He also is adept at helping clients secure funding through a variety of grant programs and developing strategies for implementing complex, visionary projects. Jason once considered a career in psychology. "I was passionate about making a difference in people’s lives," he explains. "Landscape architecture allows me to blend my love of nature and the environment with building things and helping people. I believe our work can have such a positive impact on our communities, the environment and people’s lives." He puts on his psychologist hat when building consensus for a project. "Everyone wants to do the right thing and create something good," he declares. "Sometimes words just get in the way of true communication." Jason says he could have imagined a life as an organic farmer. He enjoys cheesemaking, and "growing heirloom tomatoes and peppers. They taste great and remind me to be more patient."