Stet Sanborn

When it comes to our energy future, Stet doesn’t mince words. "We are at a critical point in history facing the impacts of devastating climate change," he declares. "We have the tools and the skills to reverse current warming trends and move our society to a restorative future. But it will take an ‘all hands-on deck’ mentality. We have to act and act fast." We’re grateful to have Stet as part of our crew. He’s helping lead a design movement focused on a rapid shift away from fossil fuels, creating net-zero energy buildings for intensive uses like academic campuses and for often-overlooked building types like affordable housing. Stet’s drive to "decarbonize our society" and heal the natural world is both professional and personal. He and his husband own a cabin near Lake Tahoe, where they spend most weekends hiking, kayaking, skiing and snowshoeing through the Sierras. "We’re avid outdoorsmen," says Stet, "most at home among nature."