Mountain Park Health Center (MPHC) has a clear mission: to provide high-quality, affordable healthcare to families in the Phoenix metro area Valley of the Sun.
Mountain Park Health Center
Phoenix, Arizona
Ambulatory Care, Architecture, Health & Wellness, Health, Landscape Architecture, MEP Engineering, Programming, Women's & Children's Health
55,000 SF
Mayor's Commission on Disability Issues, Architectural Award, 2016
Arizona Forward Association Environmental Excellence Award, Healthy Communities, Sustainable Communities, Award of Merit, 2015
IIDA Southwest Chapter PRIDE Awards, Award of Merit: Healthcare, 2015
The federally-funded community health organization had five locations and saw the need for a sixth in the East Valley. The system selected a central location, easily accessible by bus and light rail. SmithGroup’s design for the new clinic, housed in two previously vacant commercial buildings, is a model for sustainable adaptive reuse.
The new Gateway Clinic allows MPHC to meet the needs of an additional 12,000 Valley residents, many of them currently underserved, create more jobs, and provide an expanded compliment of services. The redevelopment includes multiple exam rooms, a dental clinic, Mayo/Arizona State specialty care and telemedicine, and other expanded services.

The larger, accessible exam rooms accommodate family members so they can partner with patients in their healthcare. Education stations in each exam room allow patients and their care team to discuss real time health education. Waiting rooms equipped with comfortable seating, community tables, and even homework stations.
The clinic features ample use of glass and bright colors to create an open and cheerful environment. Outside, a playground provides a happy diversion for young patients or children of patients. The clinic also welcomes neighborhood families to use the playground, in keeping with Mountain Park’s goals of building a healthy community and fostering more physical activity among area residents.