Craig Hospital Expansion and Modernization
Craig Hospital is a top-ranked rehabilitation and research hospital specializing in spinal cord and traumatic brain injury. A major expansion and renovation matches the quality of its facilities with the world-class quality of care Craig provides to catastrophically-injured patients and their families.
Craig Hospital
Denver, Colorado
Architecture, Health, Interiors, Medical Planning, Programming, Rehabilitation
89,000 SF
Featured Awards
Illumination Awards - Section Award, Illumination Awards - Award of Merit, Design Award - New Construction
Best in Healthcare Giving, IIDA Denver, 2016
Using human-centered design techniques, SmithGroup, working with RTA Architects, has identified ways to optimize operations spread over two buildings, while creating a unified and seamless campus. The expansion and renovation strategy allows the hospital to convert from semi- to all-private patient rooms. Outpatient services are nearly doubled, with larger exam rooms, support services, and a new procedure suite. Patient rooms are enhanced with natural light and cutting-edge environmental controls, while new dining and lounge areas provide space for family gatherings, private conversations, and respite.
It was really important that the people we work with understood us. We like being unique, we feel unique, and it really felt like RTA/SmithGroup got us.
Diane Reinhard
VP Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer

By closing off a street, the design creates a welcoming pedestrian plaza that re-connects the campus.

The addition also provides a new home for the PEAK Center, Craig's wellness and fitness program, as well as a state-of-the-art aquatic therapy pool.