Andrew Dunlap

No wonder Andrew has always been intrigued by the age and durability of the pyramids at Giza. As a building enclosure specialist and leader of the firm's Building Technology Studio, he’s our go-to expert on exterior building enclosures and thermal analysis—roofing, skylights, curtain walls, windows and waterproofing—including those of historic structures. This includes analyzing conditions, investigating options for corrective work, and developing remediation and construction plans. Andrew’s work has corrected problems at such architectural and historic gems as the Smithsonian Arts and Industry Building and the Eliel Saarinen-designed Cranbrook Art Museum. “I enjoy the technical aspects of our work,” Andrew says. “It gives me the opportunity to work on a wide range of cool projects with cool people. It is always exciting to see what the next one will be.” Andrew began with SmithGroup as one of our interns in 1999. “My goal was to find a career that I enjoyed,” he notes. “I am fortunate that my life has led me down a path that is fulfilling that goal.”