Lighting Design
When done just right, you might not even notice it. Yet lighting plays an integral role in the built environment. It can create striking effects. Imbue a sense of warmth and comfort. Illuminate important tasks. Reduce fatigue. Improve safety. Add gravitas. Enliven. Soften. Raise awareness. Through lighting, we can evoke the specific emotions that enhance each and every space.

SmithGroup’s lighting specialists partner with client and design teams to create lighting that weaves seamlessly into the greater design plan. Engineering informs every lighting design. We employ custom tools (such as Grasshopper for Rhino and Dynamo for Revit) that allow us to analyze project-specific engineering data to optimize lighting performance. We make use of three-dimensional modeling, physical mock-ups of special conditions and other methods to address each project’s unique challenges. Science informs every design, too: SmithGroup is at the forefront of the discussion regarding ever-changing LED technology. Understanding how different aspects of light affect humans—circadian responsible systems, integrated controls and hue fidelity, for example—shapes all lighting solutions to better serve our clients.