Land Surveying
Land Surveying is a critical component to site design and implementation. Our wide-ranging expertise includes detailed topographic surveys that capture the nuances of site grading, utilities and existing improvements, boundary surveys, title reviews and ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys. SmithGroup's team can define the project limits and title obstacles related to a development, and how land surveying can provide critical site knowledge and confidence to designers both inside and outside the firm.

Our survey team recognizes the value of true integration in the design process, and we work hard to communicate clearly and thoroughly on matters that can impact site design. We provide guidance as to matters of parcel management, create supporting documents catered to specific project goals including traditional survey products such as boundary surveys, detailed topographic mapping of existing conditions, land divisions and combinations, easement exhibits, and exhibit B drawings for site condominiums, as well as unique exhibits to address site specific development questions.
Our team strives to support related disciplines with our expertise and actively looks for ways to improve our ability to document and communicate all matters of land surveying. By being a genuine member of the design team, we aim to eliminate unforeseen survey related project delays, capture and explain critical information about existing site conditions, and help our clients and teammates understand potential title hurdles early in the design process.