Transformative Landscape Architecture
To celebrate 2019’s World Landscape Architecture Month, SmithGroup highlighted some of the transformative thinking and design work being led by our landscape architects. SmithGroup’s landscape architectural work represents a nearly 60-year legacy for the firm, encompassing a wide range of award-winning planning and design projects that emphasize environmental and cultural stewardship and the creation of a rooted, inspiring sense of place. Our landscape architects are leaders for the profession, providing both current and past Presidents of the American Society of Landscape Architects, along with foundational support for the Landscape Architecture Foundation’s celebrated Performance Case Study series.
A Thoughtful Master Plan Can Transform Your Campus
The design and implementation of a successful campus master plan is often a decades-long process built upon partnerships, trust, teamwork, talent, and a shared vision. Though changes in administrators, leadership, funding, and a myriad of factors can result in stops, starts and reboots along the way, a strategically crafted master plan is a tried-and-true way for institutions to remain visionary in an evolving marketplace.

The Expanding Role of Landscape Architects in Urban Waterfront Design
As urban waterfronts throughout the world continue to transform from industrial centers and transportation hubs to mixed-use destinations, SmithGroup's Tom Rogers discusses how landscape architects can and should play an expanded role in shaping the future of cities.

Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Landscape Architecture Profession
For the past two years, I have hurried my way to Washington D.C. each summer to participate in the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Diversity Summit -- a three day intensive organized by ASLA’s national chapter to strategize and think critically about methods to improve racial and ethnic representation within the field of landscape architecture. With about 15 participants, and a team of observers diligently asking questions and taking notes, our group was asked to pry into our own personal journeys through academia and professional practice to find the catalytic pinch points that influenced us toward the profession, or away from it.
Fueling a New Mixed-Use Strategy
Evolving markets, emergent technologies, and shifts resulting from the sharing economy are fueling major disruptions that challenge past assumptions about developments. These changes warrant a new perspective on the role of mixed-use developments, once a collection of divergent uses, now a blurring of boundaries, thus convergent uses.