Shuguang Hospital
The first of its kind in China, this medical facility combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine in a new, state-of-the-art hospital campus.
Shuguang Hospital
Shanghai, China
Academic Medicine, Ambulatory Care, Architecture, Health, Medical Planning, Programming
861,000 SF
Featured Awards
Honor Award, AIA Maryland, 2007
Award of Merit, AIA Northern Virginia Chapter, 2007
Merit Award, Virginia Society AIA, 2007
Best Developer Environmental Real Estate Project Award, Cityscape China Real Estate Awards, 2008
Honorable Mention for National Design, Modern Healthcare, 2005
A huge and complex building that is really masterfully done – the parti of the curving form divided into thirds successfully deals with the large mass…the system of carving out spaces to allow light deep into the building is relieved very intelligently.
Jury Comments, AIA Northern Virginia Chapter, 2007 Award of Merit
Designed for both teaching and practice, Shuguang Hospital is a modern, 750-bed academic medical center profoundly influenced by key tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a 3,000-year-old body of knowledge.
Thoughtful architectural design is vital to this mission. In traditional Chinese practice, the influence of the environment affects all facets of care, from diagnosis and treatment through the full healing process. The hospital’s sense of serenity serves this patient well-being.
Abundant natural light enters through a multi-layered exterior envelope, which references traditional Chinese architecture and ancient principles of Feng Shui. The equilibrium of nature to manmade—yin and yang—is expressed in the overall design, with an enhanced natural watercourse flowing through the site. The five elements of TCM are food, fire, earth, metal and water, which all find expression in various healing gardens and courtyards—planted with traditional medicines such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba and ginger—dotted throughout this technically advanced facility.