Scotts Run Master Plan
The Scotts Run master plan in Tysons, Virginia is a major new development in an important edge city in the DC metropolitan region. This ambitious project represents a comprehensive reimagining and transformation of an auto-centric, suburban environment into a walkable, vibrant urban place.
Cityline Partners, LLC
Tysons, Virginia
Active Transportation & Mobility, Architecture, Mixed-Use, Mobility, Sustainable Design, Urban Design, Urban Environments, Urban Planning
8,500,000 SF/ 40 acres
Featured Awards
American Planning Association -- Sustainable Urban Design or Preservation Plan or Project Award, 2015
Outstanding Private Sector Plan, American Planning Association Virginia Chapter, 2014
Award of Excellence - Master Plan, NAIOP, Northern Virginia Chapter, 2013

Realizing the vision for Tysons requires collaboration. This is a beautiful, beautiful application and something we welcome to Tysons and Fairfax County.
Sharon Bulova
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Already several years in the making, Scotts Run, a 40-acre development, includes a number of new buildings in transit-rich surroundings, reversing decades of urban sprawl and creating a new opportunity for Tysons to lead in contemporary mixed-use development.

SmithGroup worked closely with developer Cityline Partners to master plan a new urban place with parks and open spaces that integrate the natural features of the Scotts Run stream valley park. The plan introduces a new pedestrian-scaled grid of streets with an engaging mix of uses along Station Street, the development’s main avenue. The new mid-rise and high-rise buildings planned for Scotts Run will lay the groundwork for new retail, office, hotel and residential blocks, fostering a variety of rich experiences at street level.