Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford
For nearly two decades, SmithGroup served as the overall medical center strategic planner and programmer for Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, resulting in a comprehensive master plan and multiple hospital enhancements. Two major projects included the creation of a Comprehensive Oncology Center and a consolidated Pediatric Surgery Suite, both critical in an effort to integrate all inpatient and outpatient pediatric care while enhancing Lucile Packard’s family-centered care model.
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Palo Alto, California
Architecture, Health, Interiors, Medical Planning, Programming, Women's & Children's Health
71,000 GSF, 6,600 M2
The Oncology Center provides a new model for integrated delivery of oncology services to inpatients, outpatients, and day patients. An international center of excellence, the center leverages a continuum of clinical skills across the array of diagnosis and treatment modalities. The project required a partial remodel of the first floor of the existing hospital and accommodates a new bone marrow transplant unit, hematology unit, patient day hospital, clinics, and related support space. The design embraces the participation of the family in the clinical process by considering their role and placement in treatment areas, providing areas for family/parental support, social work, nutritional counseling, and education.

Respect for critically ill children who are often mature beyond their years is at the core of the hospital’s mission.

The interior design reflects that mission in its restrained approach to forms, finishes and color. Curvilinear shapes in key places, a hierarchy of color and pattern, a particular approach to lighting design and details like child-height windows and countertops are important elements.
The Surgery Suite consolidated all pediatric surgery into new facilities within the hospital. The renovation includes six world-class operating theater-sized for the most complex cases and planned with flexibility and adaptability at the core. In addition to PACU, pre-op, intake and support facilities, the suite’s state-of-the-art technology includes wireless, integrated communication, records, imaging, and data systems, all linked to an international communications network to enable real-time teaching and telemedicine.