Jennifer Durham

“It’s rewarding to see client reactions when our solutions solve their needs in unexpected ways, or go beyond their stated needs to make their work or process better,” says Jen. As a project leader, Jennifer helps achieve those kinds of results by capitalizing on the strengths of SmithGroup’s multi-disciplinary design teams. “I try to draw out the unique expertise of our team that will best benefit our clients with well-coordinated and thoughtful design solutions,” she explains. “I believe the best solutions really function well and also look beautiful.” One successful design team recently captured Jen’s attention, reading Charles and Ray Eames: Designers of the 20th Century. “They’re inspiring in their range of creativity, from film to architecture, art and furniture,” she notes. “I enjoyed learning more about their collaboration as a couple.” When not collaborating with her team, Jen enjoys getting outside on her skis, or traveling.