Jen Vogel

  • Jen Vogel Architecture SmithGroup Chicago
  • Jen Vogel Chicago

"Evoke Delight" is a design goal Jen establishes for each project she takes on as architect. "Whether it is an unexpected color or texture, I create designs that stimulate the senses, catch you off guard and spark wonder," she says. SmithGroup's breadth of practice areas also inform Jen's designs. "There are so many lessons from higher education work that can benefit workplace projects, or that science and technology projects could learn from workplace," she suggests. "I thrive on that cross-pollination." Jen once vacillated between studying art or architecture, and also considered a career as a chef. "I am a creative first," she remarks. "Yet I realized that I am much more creative when there are constraints. The challenge of designing solutions for client’s unique purpose and expectations helps me create my best work." Jen finds plenty of other outlets for her creativity, too, including sewing her own clothing and designing "electronically responsive jewelry systems."