Ed Burton

Heading up SmithGroup’s Science and Technology market is a fine fit for Ed, who thrives in an environment of complexity and change. He began his career working for a small-town practice, designing a variety of small building types. "I realized quickly that I wanted more complicated and much larger-scale projects," he recalls. "Now I work with some of the world’s leading scientists in a time of unparalleled change, not only in research but in the way facilities are created and procured. It’s guaranteed to keep you on your toes!" Ed finds travel equally compelling, with his family or on the job. His career has taken him to three continents, including work on the Tate Modern gallery in London, an oil-fired power station converted to a museum of modern art. "I find the process of ‘learning the local ways’ to design and construct facilities enlightening and invigorating," he notes. "Travel broadens the mind and provides perspective."