Christine Rancourt

“I often say if I hit the lottery tomorrow, I’d still get up and go to work because I truly enjoy what I do,” remarks Christine. Even in her most challenging times—undergoing treatment for stage four cancer—Christine was seeking feedback from her doctors and nurses about their thoughts on her various treatment spaces. “Somehow it was comforting,” she recalls. “Using that time to think about the work I do was key to my healing process.” Christine was a pre-med student before turning to architecture, which she says, “melds the best of science, art and healing.” She currently serves on the board of AIA in New Hampshire, helping to shape ongoing professional education and healthcare legislation. When she finds time to relax, it’s often accompanied by her and her husband’s vinyl collection. “Unlike streaming, you hear an artist’s full composition,” Christine notes. “And the crackling noise of a needle on a record is calming for me.”