Bettina Neudert-Brown

As a college student, Bettina visited Villa Tugendhat in the Czech Republic, and still can recall the powerful impact of the Mies van der Rohe design. "I remember the strong emotional, almost physical, reaction I had to the beauty of the house," she explains. "It left me with a certain sense of awe and happiness. That is what I am looking for in architecture—creating spaces that have an emotional impact on people." Bettina has spent much of her career creating memorable experiences for those visiting museums, performing arts centers and other cultural institutions. Her upbringing in Germany gives Bettina a perspective few can imagine. "The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990 had a big impact on my life," she remarks. "It opened opportunities to follow my goals anywhere in the world." Now living near Washington DC, Bettina enjoys travel and looks forward to once again "dabbling" in oil painting.