Alexis Kim

Alexis describes one of her roles as taking "a deeper dive to understand the strategic goals of a client. That informs the kind of workplace strategies that are more holistic to help propel them into the future." Alexis is pleased to see architecture evolving, "to respond to a changing world that is much more connected. We have a unique position as catalyst, connecting the physical world to business and people in a broader way." Alexis herself has plenty of experience with change. Growing up in South Korea, she came to the U.S. as a teen, then pursued a career that has taken her from coast to coast, and now the Midwest. "Experiencing such a broad range of places, people and projects has given unique points of reference to my own work," Alexis observes. "I view each project with a frame of making transformation possible." Her transformation continues. She’s furthering her exploration in research, data analytics and organizational design—with pottery, travel and learning new languages at the forefront of her personal journey.